What is IGS?
IGS (International Genetic Solutions) is a leading-edge genetics measurements system that uses “BOLT” (Biometric Open Language Tools) used for creating genomic-enhanced EPDs (Expected Progeny Differences) used for breeding selection.
In 2017 the AWA decided to utilize IGS to calculate EPDs for the animals in the AWA Wagyu animal registry using its BOLT technology. Prior to being able to perform an initial “EPD run” it is required that the AWA gather sufficient animal data for each EPD category into the Digital Beef registry management system. Sufficient data for some of the simpler EPDs. such as Birth Weight and Weaning Weight and Yearling Weight, are expected to be available sooner than for other data such as carcass data, which is less available from AWA members. As sufficient data becomes available, EPD runs will be done for certain EPD categories for which there is sufficient data available. This process is expected to take one year or more. Even after the initial EPD runs are complete, the EPD numbers for animals will continue to change in a meaningful manner as more data becomes available for animals through the collection of additional data.
You can vist the website of IGS at http://www.internationalgeneticsolutions.com to learn more about the company IGS and its EPD technology.
See the below attachments for additional information on IGS and BOLT, as well as useful articles showing how IGS is used to provide EPDs for other breeds, which together provides both high level overview information as well as details of IGS, BOLT and general information about EPDs.